How to Score Amazing Free Materials
for your Tiny House Build
What You’ll Learn in Deek’s Session:
It is totally possible to score amazing materials from roadside piles and dumpsters. Deek goes through how to find salvagable materials that you can either use in your build or sell to finance it.
- What not to salvage
- Nothing to salvage? Look closer
- Tools you’ll want to bring along
- Forming mutually beneficial relationships
- Storing your haul
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About Deek Diedricksen
Derek “Deek” Diedricksen is a self-proclaimed lover of all things tiny home. The Massachusetts-based builder is the author of numerous tiny home books; an organizer of tiny home building and design workshops around the country; and has been featured on more than one HGTV series and the DIY Network. His latest book, Microshelters, features 59 of the country’s most creative small structures—cabins, treehouses, stilted shelters, backyard huts, and tiny homes on wheels.

Deek Diedricksen
Tiny House Author, Builder, and Teacher